Thursday, April 30, 2015

Parent Conferences at Stonehill

When I moved to India, I was happy that I was getting 'out' of certain things that happen in States schools.  Those things are the ISTEP and Science Fair.  So, so, so happy that we were missing it.  

No matter the school - there will always be Parent-Teacher conferences.  This past Wednesday was that day.  I was informed by Olivia that it was to be student led conferences for BOTH kids.  Oye Vey.  In the States - I believe that they do this, but when they are in high school.  My kids are a little ahead of the game now.  The one thing that I was NOT prepared for was - that it is an all day affair!  Today they gave the kids a 'day off' of school so that Parent-Teacher conferences could be done during the school day.  That is kinda nice. Not only did we meet the homeroom teacher - we were also given a list of things to check off.  My kids - the ones that are rule followers at the most inconvenient time - were all over completing the check list.  I took pictures of my day.  You just might be as exhausted seeing them, as I was at the end of my day.
Olivia's check list - first page

Olivia's check list - second page

The two page check list should give you a clue on how long my day was. . . .

Olivia's break out room - located next to her home room

Olivia's class room
Student's art

The letter 'O' in Japanese

Olivia is loving school!  She loves her teacher and her little P7 (4th grade) class.  She loves to know where everyone is coming from.  The class has really embraced each other.  What a blessing that is. Our fear, when we moved here, was how the girls were going to do in school.  Yeah. . . .apparently I shouldn't have worried. 

I had a conversation with Olivia's teacher - about Olivia's first days at school.  I was told that it was a whirlwind of 'emotions' for the class.  As you recall in a past posting, Olivia (on her first day) wanted to initiate dialogue about her braces and her CP.  She was successful at it.  What I did not know, and found out during the conference, is that this was a 2 day process.  Olivia started school on Monday - conversed with the class on it.  Tuesday, there was a general assembly for a presentation that the P8's (5th graders) were doing.  The topic: Physical Disabilities.  Talk about timing.  Part of the disability that was mentioned was. . . ..(drum roll). . .CP.  Afterwards, Olivia took her teacher by the hand and took her to the display that the P8's had and said "This is what I have."  Her teacher, I think, was in awe that she would bring this up again.  So.  . . once again, they talk about this in class.  What came out on the second day was that everyone of those kids in her class had 'something' that they wish was different about them.  One girl, from Japan (who is learning the English language - imagine that - moving to a country and needing to learn the language), struggles with English.  She looks to Olivia and says, "I wish I could speak like you." Other kids were just sharing what they wish would be different.  Better writing, better English, more confidence. . .you name it.  What these kids don't know is that sharing all their insecurities made my Olivia feel very welcomed and part of the group.

Next is Paz's turn

Reading to me

Her classroom

She made this plane!!

Breakout room - right next to her homeroom

Breakout room

Breakout room

Car that Paz made

Plane she made

Paz loves school as well.  It is so cute to see the little kids hug when they see each other.  She loves her teacher and she loves the arts and crafts they do to learn.  I was told that everyone was shocked at how well Paz took to the daily routine and finding friends.  I was also told that she is the most complementary kid that they have ever met.  Those that know my Paz should not be shocked by this.  India has been good for my kids.

Last, but certainly not least, they got to show me their swimming.  My 'water babies' love the water.

Also - want to add some pictures of the campus.  Some people wanted to see more.

Cafeteria - teachers and students eat together

Dormers - for students that board

What I learned from this Parent-Teacher conference.
1. I worried for nothing.  The kids love it and are excelling.
2. This is an all day event.

Thankful for:
Jacob - Starbucks
Karen - school
Olivia - going to Goa
Paz - for safe plane trips

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Car

Two weeks ago we received shipment of our new car.  Isn't it cute?

We have a remote for the radio. . .its is just soo far for us to reach!

It is a Maruti Suzuki Ertiga.  It is like a mini-mini van.  Here in India, the cars are all very small.  (I need to dedicate a post to all the cute vehicles that I see.)  With the amount of traffic that they have here - it is ABSOLUTLY neccessary to go small or go home.  

Our driver, maid and gardener are all Hindu.  The driver - Murali - and maid-Vijji - together informed me that they wanted to do a Puja for the car.  Huh?  What's a puja?  I thought the puja was the room in my house that is used to worship the gods?  (For me it is a storage room.)  So Vijji explained to me that a puja is done to bless all things that are used daily in life to make life 'easier'.  Alright.  I told them that I will go along with this but they will need to pray with ME afterwards.  We were all game.  (There is that fine line of being interested in the culture and worshiping the gods.  I take interest in the culture.  It is so different from what I am use to seeing.)

Here is what happened:

First - Murali washed the car and decorated it with flowers - white roses to be exact.

Murali with car - he is smiling all the time!

Next, Vijji and I load up with Murali driving and head to Temple.  We get there and they are all doing 'temple' things.  Murali orders more flowers - red roses and a coconut.  Vijji takes me to wash my feet and hands.

Then we head into this little room with Ganesh.  Who is Ganesh?  I am not entirely sure but they say he is the remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings and wisdom. 

I have no idea what this 'priest' is saying.  I am just standing there.  

Next we head out to the car.  He starts putting symbols on the upper corners of the windshield.  One of them looks like a swastika.  Seriously.  Apparently this is a 'good luck' symbol.
He also drew some other symbols, but as you can imagine, none of them stood out to me like the one mentioned above. Look at the top right of the windshield when you are facing the car.

Then there is sprinkling of 'holy' water and incense sticks.  

A coconut was purchased to 'offer'.  I am told that since the water is not safe to drink. . .this is a way to offer fresh hydration.

You really need to look at this next picture.  If you look under the tire - a lemon was placed right under the wheel.  Murali had to get in the car and drive over them.  In true Vijji humor - she shout out "Best of luck Murali!"  Ha!  How hard is it to run over a lemon that is directly under the tire.  Their humor is good.  

Here is more in depth article of what a car puja is. .

Also some more random pictures from the day.

He rings a bell to wake up Ganesh

What a blessing I don't have to ring a bell when I pray!

The girls say that the car looks like it has a tongue.

My feet are on FIRE!!!

Once we are complete with the puja - we head home. . . .to PRAY!  They were very willing to see what I do.  We got out of the car and just stood in the middle of the drive way.  I told them that most people bring their hands together and close their eyes with bowed head.  Some people keep eyes open.  Everyone talks to God differently.  They went with the 'traditional' approach.  I lead them in prayer.  I thanked God for blessing us with this car and the people he has brought in my life.  (Specifically these two)  I asked God that we learn to trust one another and thanked Him for them.  I asked for safety when we are on the roads.  I asked for safety for them as they are traveling to my house.  Prayed for their families.  During my prayer, Vijji did not miss a beat.  You thought she was just use to coming to a prayer meeting.  She was just like any other Baptist.  She was standing next to me and while I was praying was whispering 'Yes' after every sentence.  It just reminded me of home.  We all have that friend.  The one that says 'Yes', 'Yes Jesus', 'Amen' during someone else's prayer.  Vijji was a pro!  When we were done she opened her eyes and was all smiles.  I hope this little incident plants a little mustard seed/light.  :)

Jacob - good internet connection
Karen - good cheese
Olivia - to have a good birthday in Hong Kong
Paz - a horse  (what!?!?!)