Friday, April 22, 2016

A little bit of something and Singapore


Currently, I am write this  - I am in the US for the Christmas holiday.  I am still adjusting to the time.  I went to bed at 7 and woke up at 4.  This is for the birds!

The girls are also struggling. .but we still enjoy seeing friends and family - we just tire sooner!  Hubby seems to be doing fine - but he is use to travel/time change.  He is awesome in that aspect.  Me - not so much.

In our time here we have eaten so much!  Abuela (my mom) has been on a mission of feeding me.  (I am not complaining!). . .oh.  .and feeding me some more.  I am in a constant food coma.

Prior to arriving home we visited Singapore.  Singapore was simply wonderful.  It is clean.  We are talking OCD clean.  So clean that my kids have convinced me that chewing gum is outlawed.  Not sure if it is true. . .but I believe them!
We went to the Trees, Universal Studios, and the famous Singapore Zoo. 


After Singapore - on to the USA
The beginnings of our stay was not so fun.  We landed on the 13th.  Paz and Olivia had doc appts on the 14th.  Olivia for new orthotics and Paz for a pre surgery visit.  Yes, you read right.  As of this writing - Paz has had eye surgery.  She has Accommodative Esotropia.  To put it in lay mans terms - her eyes cross and in order for her vision to fully develop as normally as possible, they needed to go on an loosen some tight muscles.  It was an outpatient procedure.  She was more scared the first day out of surgery and the day after was fine.  

In true fashion I had to hold it together.  My bladder is located close to my eyes and I become an easy crier.  Paz did make me laugh - as she was coming out of anesthesia, she came out swinging at the nurses and doctors.  Love that this kid is spunky and a fighter!

On to our next adventure!