Sunday, June 21, 2015

Paz's Early Years Fun Splash

*late post*

This past week the school has a 'Fun Splash'.  It was an opportunity for the little ones to show off their swimming skills to their parents.  

As all things in India. . .the timing of things need to be considered. So my day was ENTIRELY dedicated to this.  That is ok. . .I am after all a stay at home mom. . . .I am suppose to do this. . Right?  I think I am also suppose to drink wine. . . .oh wait. . . .I do.  My day started off getting the girls onto the school bus, rush home and shower and go in to work with the hubby.  Is it sad that the security at hubby's work doesn't even question who I am anymore - I've been there that many times.  I drop hubby off and head -so very early to the 'fun spash'.  I had to go with hubby because if I waited for Murali (AKA Driver) to come get me after dropping off the hubby. . I would have been late.  So I leave prepared and bring a book, snack and drink while I wait.  It is a good thing that the school is prepared for parents like me.  They have a parents waiting room.  Off I went to prop my feet up and lie on the couch.  

When the time came. . .I headed to the pool and Paz was waiting for me. 
My little fish waits

My children have always been water babies.  The fact that swim is part of the curriculum is a plus.  At this age, they want to have the kids get confident and comfortable in the water.  The reality is that Indians, in general, are drowning in large numbers in the local rivers and lakes.  The Government sees that this is a problem and are 'requiring' that swim be taught at an early age.  Lets face it - we all know not every school has the facility and funds to do this.  

I digress, So these little kids were showing off for their parents.  Paz has always been a fab swimmer and she showed it.  She was part of the small groups of kids that can actually swim the entire length and keep going.  Enjoy the pics. . 

She finished and sat for a second and did a couple of more laps.
More and more laps 

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